20 Point Programmable Controller, programmed with Workbench or CPT, selectable between BACnet and Modbus, BACnet. 20 IO includes 12 Universal Inputs (UI) supporting current, voltage and resistance based sensor, 4...
The FD-20i has 20 input points, supports BACnet MSTP or Modbus RTU as a selectable function and is equipped with a RS485 port. Inputs include 10 Digital Inputs (DI) and...
FS, a powerful upscale option with much more power then the FG series, with 8GB of flash and an SD holder, 1.2 GHz Quad Core Main Processor, 32 Point Sedona...
Wireless Wi-Fi Sedona Controller Includes two Ethernet ports for daisy chain connection. Includes 8 UI (voltage and resistance), 4 x AO (Voltage) and 2 x DO with 24VA volt free...
EC-BOS-8 includes two isolated RS485 ports, two 10/100MB Ethernet ports and USB Backup & Restore. WiFi setting for permanently disabling WiFi on ECBOS8 units.
ECB-203 BASC programmable controller for terminal applications such as fan coil, heat pump, chilled ceilling, roof top unit and small air handling unit with 6UI, 5 DO (Triac), 3 UO.
ECB-203 UUKL BACnet application specific programmable controller for small air handling units, roof top unit and exhaust fan with 6UI, 5 DO (Triac), 3 UO. Complies with UL 864, UUKL...
ECB-203 WITH EP B-ASC programmable controller for roof top unit applications with environmental protection rated for 40F to 158F; 40C to 70C with 6UI, 5 DO (Triac), 3 UO.
BASC programmable controller with LCD Display for terminal applications such as fan coil, heat pump, chilled ceilling, roof top unit and small air handling unit with 6UI, 5 DO (Triac),...
BACnet advance application programmable controller for small and medium sized air handling units and exhaust fan with 10 UI and 8 UO. Complies with UL 864, UUKL Smoke Control Listing.
BACnet advance application programmable controller for medium and large sized air handling unit and exhaust fan with 12 UI and 12 UO. Complies with UL 864, UUKL Smoke Control Listing.
ECB-402 BAAC programmable controller for medium and large sized air handling unit, medium and large roof top unit and medium plant applications with 12 UI, 8 DO (Triac) and 4...
BAAC programmable controller with HOA switches and potentiometers for medium and large sized air handling unit and medium plant applications with 12 UI and 12 UO.
BAAC programmable controller with HOA switches and potentiometers for medium and large sized air handling unit, medium and large roof top unit and medium plant applications with 12 UI, 8...
ECB-453 BAAC programmable controller with LCD Display for medium and large sized air handling unit and medium plant applications with 12 UI and 8 DO and 4 UO.
ECB-600 BAAC programmable controller for large sized AHU and medium/large plant applications with 16 UI and 12 UO. Expandable with expansion modules up to 76 points.
ECB-600 UUKL BACnet advance application programmable controller for large sized air handling units and exhaust fan with 16 UI and 12 UO. Complies with UL 864, UUKL Smoke Control Listing.
BAAC programmable controller with HOA switches and potentiometers for large sized AHU and medium/large plant applications with 16 UI and 12 UO. Expandable with expansion modules up to 76 points.